Hiatus Ending, New Reviews Coming

New Columns Coming

Work and other writing projects, and just decisions on things to review, have kept me from my hoped-for weekly schedule. Not that anyone is following this blog yet. Few have even stumbled upon it.

When I left off, I remember that I wanted to do a Inhumans vs. The Gifted column. But then I didn't because I found out that the Inhumans was only a miniseries, and maybe I'd wait until it was over. And then I thought that I'd just do two separate columns. And then ... excuse, excuse, delay, delay.

Likewise, I thought I could do a Orville vs. Star Trek: Discovery column, but the obvious setback is that I don't have access to the new Star Trek. Granted, now that the season is over, I could use the free introductory month to binge the season, should I find a month when I have that much time. Naturally, if this were some sort of paying gig, or if I actually had followers at this point, I would make the investment. But let's face it, if you're reading this, and you're not me, and it's 2018, you're likely one of the first five or ten to actually read these words.

So I'll be off to Heliosphere NY, a science-fiction fantasy convention, this weekend. It's my annual "get away" weekend, taking over for the many memorable weekends spent at Lunacon over the past couple decades. (Sadly, one of the oldest continually-run sci-fi conventions seems to have fallen away, but it's fall, in a way, gave rise to Heliosphere, and I expect to see many old friends there.)

As of right now, I am making this commitment, one that I have made in my mind many, many times over the past few months but am committing to text only now, that as of next week, new reviews will continue.

And I hope someone will be there to read them.


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