Review #12: Haven Several months back, I discovered reruns of Haven were airing on one of the retro television stations. I'd already seen every episode, but I set a timer anyway, and found that they were in the middle of season four, which was fine by me. After a few episodes that I thought might've been edited a little too much, I checked Netflix , and it was there. I continued from where I was instead of restarting. I might still do that at some point. Haven was a series on the Syfy channel, loosely based on the Stephen King novella, The Colorado Kid . You don't need to read the story first. In fact, I didn't read it until, probably, around the third season. It bears little resemblance to the show. The story has three characters in it, two of whom run the local newspaper, Vincent Teagues and Dave Bowie (not the singer). In the show, they are brothers, and Dave's last name is also Teagues. The newspaper's name is different. The town name is different. The...