Welcome to my newest blog!

Maybe you have found this blog and you're wondering, "Who is Mr. Burke?" or "Reviews what?"

Those are reasonable questions. To answer the first one, my students call me "Mr. Burke" and that was the name I incorporated into "Mr. Burke's Math Blog" back in 2006. That blog didn't get a lot of use from my students, but it did morph into something else: mostly a home for my math comic (x, why?) as well as occasional articles about math, as well as answers to state exams.

At some point, I branched out a little. I read when I can, but I have a tendency to forget details about the things I've read. Sometimes, I've forgotten I've read entire books (to be fair, they were forgettable books, most likely). So I created Mr. Burke Reads, mostly to help my memory, but sometimes they read like reviews because people stumble upon the blog through search engines or the like.

A couple years before my 50th birthday (yes, I'm old), I started a blog called 100,000 Before 50 with a goal of writing 100,000 words about anything. Personal, journal entries, stories, articles, reviews, whatever. The goal was to write and keep writing. To keep with the format, I called it "mrburkewrites". That blog is not public -- if it were, anything I wrote there could not only be taken and used by other people (without my permission) but anything posted there would be considered Published, and I would not be able to sell First Rights to anyone, which is what magazines want.

But I do have a desire to write more, so to continue my theme, I will start writing reviews.

Reviews? Reviews of What?

Whatever I feel like. Whatever I've recently watched or read. It won't just be movies because a) no one needs another movie review site, and b) I don't see all that many movies (although I do see more of them than I do Broadway shows or concerts).

My goal is to have at least one update per week in plain text without that excessive pretentious verbiage (like that). I might update more frequently if several things happen at once. (The Fall Season is coming soon.)

If worse comes to worst, there's always re-watching old series from the beginning and noting the changes.

There may be some overlap with other blogs. That can't be helped.

So that's who I am, and what my plans are. We'll see how long it is before things get off-track or abandoned. Not soon, I hope.

Comments are welcome. Spam will be deleted along with nastiness and vulgarity. Constructive criticism is fine.



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